Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Prophets of doom speak out

From William Wadesworth: “Have forfeited their ancient English dower of inward happiness. Oh! Raise us up. Return to us again.” This pitiful verse struck me as close to the American condition. Every aspect of our lives is polluted with sin and blood. Rivers of aborted babies’ blood cry out from the ground for justice. How far we have departed from the original intent of our forefathers in that this nation is place of worship and mission endeavors. Our individualism and idealism of self over community has made us the most selfish nation ever. Our nation is the most wicked and hedonistic nation that ever graced our planet. In the words of Billy Graham’s wife, “If God does not judge America; He will have to apologize for Sodom and Gomorrah.” Our idols of materialism, military, and humanism have shown their utter worthlessness in time of crisis and they are unable to fulfill us. God will strike in fierce judgment on these three areas, starting with the purse strings that are the root of all evil. The financial collapse will be thorough and complete, which will reveal our utter debaseness. But we will still not repent, so our military will be vanquished from within and without. We will be conquered by a nation even more wicked than us. They will put us to bitter bondage.
This alien invasion will show no mercy to us because we did not show mercy to the weakest among us. If not put under the sword, we would be subservient to them and live out our days in slave labor. Right now, we are looking to man to save us from the impending disaster. It will be obvious that we chose the wrong king to lead us. God is the lifter of our heads out of the muck and mire of our tragic situation.

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