Monday, September 28, 2009

Nature heals the hurried soul

Laughing Song-“When the green woods laugh with the voice of Joy and the dimpling stream runs laughing by,…” The outdoors calls to us to come find healing for our busy souls. Green and blue soothe the rage against the machine and our urban plight. The woods tell our story of struggle and pain. Snarled trees choked by endless vines, all compete for life. Death crouches behind every bush waiting and watching for its prey.
The wildness of abundant colors captures the eye and the howler monkeys cry. The rocks under the steady stream of water tell an ancient story of timeless life and death. The birds on the shallows with long legs, long neck, and longer sharp beak all serve the master hunter well. The bulrushes give false assurance to errant minnows that stray from the course. The rainbow trout in all her glory beautiful arrayed in shimmering brilliance.
The angler in practice craft of precision and patience, breaks out in rhythm all his own. The line glides and rolls across the water concealing softly the trophy. Then the trout will rise seeing the easy meal lay before him. Time is lost in this moment all is right in the world. The soul is restored and nature heals the hurried soul.

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