Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Praise is practice forever

Holy Thursday-“Now like a mighty wind they raise to heaven the voice of song, or like harmonious thundering the seats of heaven among.” The organist is working a fever pitch of peddles and pulleys. As melodious songs bellow from large pipes, they resound with their victorious cry. The proficient organist is worth her weight in gold, pure gold.
Many of our churches are willing to pay dearly for this caliber of talent. The low note resonates in your chest, “low in the grave He lay.” The high note calls, “Up from the grave He arose!” For 39 days later, Jesus would ascend on high. For what instrument could capture such lows and highs.
The thunderous bellowing fills the worshipers’ ears with great expectation of heavenly scenes. The voice of the parishioners strain to overcome the strong sound that fills the temple. O, glorious day that will be when every tribe, every nation will declare that Jesus is Lord. What that choir will sound like, when the heavenly anthems ring out.
Now, this sound will truly shake the heavens and will fill the air with praise. Thousands upon thousands of people will be lifting their hands, saying, “Worthy is the Lamb.”

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