Sunday, August 23, 2009

So what goes into a sermon (final stage)

Spent the entry of Saturday night taking the myriads of info and insight then paring that into a half an hour presentation. The Holy Spirit woke me up in the morning with a anointing
then I knew that the Lord was pleased with the preparation and He was going to bless.Went to church early to practice the sermon and pray. The prayer time broke me, and I was ready to preach the wonders of God's Word.The sermon by-product manifested itself in several side stories and the opportunity to be used of the Lord was overwhelming. The pouring one self in preparation , learning , giving, and preaching is totally exhausting but at the same time exhilarating.The foreboding feeling of unfinished business is hard, When you literally feel people resisting the Holy Spirit. Many people told me how good the sermon was, that thrills my heart,but the almost christian haunts me. I can see there face even now almost mad at me for imposing on them.I wish I could rip my heart out and shove into their chest and say here feel that!!

1 comment:

  1. I think every minister can understand the frustration!
    While its not funny, the average response in a church does remind me of a preacher joke.
    There was a preacher that prayed over what God would have him to say. He studied, prepared, and finally Sunday came. During the sermon, he finally had enough of the game-playing and just blurted out bluntly, "The biggest two problems in this church are ignorance and apathy! Now, what are we going to do about it?"
    An old gray-haired man stands up in the back and responds, "We don't know, and we don't care!"
    Keep on serving our Jesus- leave the results to Him. Eventually, they will get that smack on the back of the head that I got in your office that Wednesday!
